Alexandra Burke xfactor winner and the newest pop princess. Here's Alexandra's first single Hallelujah

Alexandra Burke XFactor winner of series 5 is the newest pop princess and one of the few Xfactor winner's to have a potential global career (Leona Lewis being another xfactor winner who has gone on to truly mega stardom. Leona won series 4)

Here is Alexandra's official video for her first single Hallelujah. It's a cover of the classic by Leonard Cohen (read about the history of the song Hallelujah on wikipedia) Great video as it shows highlights from the series, from her first nervous appearance waiting in the audition room to her final crowning as champion. Hard to believe she's only 19 years old when you see her composure and unquestionable star quality shining through in this video. are a star!!!

Happy viewing....

Oh and bytheway, if you want to buy the song as an MP3, here's a purchase link to the almighty

Hallelujah (Original Version By 'Alexandra Burke')

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