The X Factor Auditions! Calling all bands, singers and would-be popstars!

Here is a reminder of the auditions for series 2010 of The X Factor! Be the new Joe McElderry or JLS! 

You can simply turn up to the venues on the dates specified. You don't need to have applied beforehand, just show up...what do you have to lose (...your dignity, your precious time...nevermind)

And don't think because thousands and thousands of people will be there, there's no point in your showing up. ITV say that you will get a chance to audition unless the capacity for the venue is maxed out, but since they picked huge venues, you stand every chance. No excuses now!

The London Auditions for The X Factor UK are on Saturday 1st May 2010 and Sunday 2nd May 2010. Venue: Excell

The weather forecast is cloudy with rain, so The X Factor team want to remind you to bring along your waterproof jackets, warm clothes and umbrellas since they expect large line ups.

They advise NOT to travel by car since there will be limited parking in the area. As for public transport, you can take the DLR line and get off at Prince Regent station.

The Birmingham Auditions for The X Factor UK are on Saturday 24th April 2010 at the enormous LG Arena.

For the Dublin X Factor auditions, you will have to be at Croke Park on Saturday 15th May 2010. 

Good luck to all you auditionees, we are rooting for ya and look forward to seeing you on the actual X Factor 2010 show!

For more details visit The X Factor official website:

Happy auditioning! (or more like waiting in the rain, looking out for Dermot and wondering if you will remember the lyrics)

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